Search for tag: "week"

EL804 Week 2C

Theory Response assignment directions and APA guidelines.

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 74 plays 0  

EL804 Week 2A

Discussion board purpose and expectations.

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 71 plays 0  

EE314 Week 2C

Let's look at the KSDE Social Studies Standards - what content and skills are taught at each grade level?

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 139 plays 0  

EE314 Week 2B

Understanding by Design (UbD), KSDE Standards, Benchmarks, and Scope & Sequence

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 91 plays 0  

EE314 Week 2A

Curriculum (History and the Evolution of Standards)

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 90 plays 0  

EL804 Week 1C

Introduction Video Assignment

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 102 plays 0  

EL804 Week 1A

Meet Lickteig + Syllabus

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 30 plays 0  

EE314 Week 1C

Introduction Video

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 45 plays 0  

EE314 Week 1B

Pre-Survey Questions on Social Studies; What is Social Studies?

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 160 plays 0  

EE314 Week 1A

Meet Dr. Lickteig and Syllabus

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Empathetic Librarianship - Keith Rocci

This presentation will discuss empathy in the library profession. We will briefly discuss some best practices to build empathy skills, such as cultural humility, person-in-environment, and creating…

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From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 91 plays 0  

Placement Skills - Keith Rocci

This presentation will discuss getting that library dream job! Understanding the skills listed in job descriptions and evidencing them in the resume and interview are vital. The skills needed are the…

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From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 53 plays 0  

A Greener Bromination of Stilbene - CH371 General Organic Chemistry Lab

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From  Andrea Luthi 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Adapting to Change - Korey Erickson

People believe that they are flexible and open to change. So why is that when change comes there is pushback? Why do people feel like their world will end when change comes? Learn how a…

+18 More
From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 138 plays 0  

The View from Olumo Rock Supporting Institutional Repository Development in Abeokuta, Nigeria

How does one promote open access and institutional repositories in a country where they are still relatively novel? Can you communicate effectively about library issues in a place where everyone…

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From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 41 plays 0  

IT 371 Week 16

Course Evaluation

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From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 53 plays 0