This is the sixth and final installment of a series of virtual conversations between SLIM faculty and students based on degree concentration areas. This session discusses the area of academic…
Let's look at the KSDE Social Studies Standards - what content and skills are taught at each grade level?
Pre-Survey Questions on Social Studies; What is Social Studies?
Meet Dr. Lickteig and Syllabus
Does your
library have a special collection full of rich historic details about the
community you serve? While relatively few people actively seek out primary
local history materials, everyone…
Alexa Smith,
Sphinx LEAD Participants, Bio
Humanity First Series…
The presentation will be a reflection
on the experience of UO Library and Museum employees with regards to
the Mellon Project, which aimed to bring Library and Museum resources
together for…
The Oregon Library Association's 50th Anniversary Slideshow, produced by Richard C. Forcier of Western Oregon State College, was presented at the Oregon Library Association (OLA) conference held…
Who built Portland? What cultural moments do our neighborhoods reflect? What is the history of the city and where is it recorded? Is it complete? Starting from these questions, this panel begins from…
In 2015, the Washington State Legislature passed SB5433 requiring the Since Time Immemorial Tribal Sovereignty curriculum be taught in every public K-12 classroom. This new mandate provides both…
With concerns about Internet privacy and security
threats, and attacks on policies that protect Internet users – like net
neutrality – it is more important than ever to educate yourself…
Joshua Key, a student in the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology program, at Emporia State University, defends his thesis, titled: "Learning Analytics and Student Success:…