Search for tag: "document"

Emerging Technologies in Libraries and Its Ethical Implications - Dhanushka Samarakoon

The recent advancements of technologies such as artificial intelligence and data mining provide an avenue to gain a better understanding of a business and its customers. For the past decade, private…

From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 18 plays 0  

IT371 Week 10

21st Century Learning and the Four Cs

From  Seth Lickteig 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Jessi Barrientos Webinar - By the People, For the People: Creating Community Profiles

Westminster Public Library has taken a hyper-local focus and created innovative strategies to satisfy the needs of all patrons in our service area. Explore how to create a data-driven community…

From  Mike Wetta 0 likes 152 plays 0  

Rob Gibson's Personal Meeting Room

From  rgibson1 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Accessibility: A Student's Perspective

Emporia State Student reveals the importance of Accessibility.

From  esulearningtech 0 likes 204 plays 0  

Canvas Course Sidebar Menu

From  msummey 0 likes 15 plays 0