Per Your Last Email: Trauma-Informed Communication for Trying Times (and All the Time)
From Mike Wetta
From Mike Wetta
2020 was quite the year, to put it mildly. 2021 promises new opportunities and challenges amid continued demands for normalcy against the backdrop of a collective traumatic event.
Oh, by the way, did you respond to that email from a few weeks ago? No, the other one.
There’s no doubt the pandemic and
other high-profile crises are affecting our brains and our lives. How can we
effectively communicate with one another in order to maintain trust and
transparency for our staff and patrons?
Bryce Kozla, presenter of “Being Trauma-Informed During a Pandemic” is back with some go-to tips for successful interactions when possibly everyone involved is affected by prolonged, toxic stress.
Bryce Kozla's blog post about this webinar which includes the slides used during the presentation can be found here.