Adapting to Change - Korey Erickson
From Mike Wetta
From Mike Wetta
People believe that they are flexible and open to change. So why is that when change comes there is pushback? Why do people feel like their world will end when change comes? Learn how a librarian has coped effectively (and sometimes ineffectively) when change came his way. Leave with a little more information on how to be more adaptable when change happens.
Korey Erickson is an elementary school librarian in Sioux Falls, SD. Previously, he taught middle school, worked as a director of after-school programming, and taught English overseas. He currently serves as School Section Chair for the South Dakota Library Association and Non-Classroom Executive for the Sioux Falls Education Foundation. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Education from Jamestown College (University of Jamestown) 2008, a Master in Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Jamestown College (University of Jamestown) 2012, a Master of Library Science from Emporia State University 2018, and a Master of Science in Administration from Emporia State University 2019.